With the help of our Trajectory tool Users can select multiple Joints
on the human body and Then trajectory of the joints in 3D space can be plotted by the app in every motion,
offering a comprehensive and detailed view of the movement dynamics. This feature provides a visual
insight into how the joints have traveled through time during a specific motion, allowing users to analyze
and understand the intricacies of the movement patterns. By examining the joint trajectories, one can
identify areas of improvement, optimize performance, and even detect potential issues related to joint
stress or injury risk
Furthermore, the app's ability to visualize joint trajectories in 3D space
can be invaluable for professionals in fields such as sports science, physical therapy, and biomechanics
and help coaches to show correct athletic movement . It enables them to study the mechanics of various
movements, compare different techniques, and develop targeted training programs to enhance performance or
facilitate rehabilitation. Additionally, the app can be used as an educational tool, helping students and
practitioners gain a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between joint motion and overall body
movement.The trajectory provides a visual insight into how the joints have traveled through time during a
specific motion, allowing users to analyze and understand the intricacies of the movement patterns.This
feature result is 3d and when you stop , you can see the result in space